This article will show you how to edit user access.
From the User Details page, you can change a user's:
- Classification (Administrator, Staff, or Board)
- Meetings Security Profile
- Backup Approvers
- Access to Site Settings
- Access to the Meetings, Events, and Analytics modules
- Access to Boards and Committees
Important Notes
- A standard user will typically have full access to Agendas, read-only access to Events, full access to General, and full access to Search. The other areas are normally reserved for administrators.
- To change a user's permissions to create, edit, view, delete, and access specific functions within the system beyond what is outlined in this article, you will need to update the user's Meetings Security Profile.
- Sign in to your solution if you have not already
- Navigate to the User Menu, then select the Settings option
- Click the User and Global Settings tile
- Click the Users tile
- Click the Edit tool (purple pencil icon) to the right of the name of the user whose access you wish to edit
- Check or uncheck the checkboxes in the Profile section to edit the user's status, access, and classification
- Check or uncheck the checkboxes in the top left corner of the Meetings section to edit access to the Meetings module including Site Settings and the Board Portal
- Click the Meetings Security Profile drop-down list to select a new Meetings Security Profile for the user, if desired
Note: Users with access to the Meetings module must have a Meetings Security Profile. Meetings Security Profiles determine which actions users can take specifically within the Meetings Module. - Check or uncheck the All Meeting Types checkbox to give the user access to some or all meeting types
Note: Unchecking the All Meeting Types checkbox will reveal a dropdown list that you can use to select specific Event Templates.
- Click the desired Access to Agenda Items button to edit the user's access to agenda items
Note: Selecting the Specific Departments option will reveal a dropdown list that you can use to limit access to specific departments.
- Check or uncheck the Has Access to Send to Code checkbox to edit the user's access to the integration between Agenda and Meeting Management Select and Online Code Hosting
- Check or uncheck the checkboxes in the Events section to edit access to the Events module, including Site Settings, Analytics, and All or Selected Event Templates
Note: Unchecking the All Event Templates checkbox will reveal a dropdown list that you can use to select specific Event Templates.
- Check or uncheck the Has Access to Boards and Committees checkbox in the Boards and Committees section to edit access to the Boards and Committees module, if applicable
- Scroll up to the User Profile section to view the user's Current Access settings
- Click the Save Changes button
- The user's access has been edited
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