This article will show you how to create a new user from a blank template.
- The first step is to navigate to the User Menu > Settings
- Select User and Global Settings
- Select Users
- Select New User
- Fill in Profile fields
- Email/User ID: Enter User's primary email (this will become their User ID)
- First Name: User's first name
- Last Name: User's last name
- Phone Number: User's primary phone number
- Title: User's job position/title
- Department: User's department
- Default Security Profile: Choose a security profile for the user
- Active: Select to choose their account as active and viewable
- Access to User and Global Site Settings: Choose to give this user access to edit user and global settings
- Hide From Staff List: Choose to hide this user from the staff list
- Hide from Approvers List: Choose to hide this user from the approver list
- Has Access to Analytics: Choose to give this user access to view analytics
- Can Create and Manage Organizational Analytic Views: Choose to give this user the ability to create and manage views in the Analytics Module
- User Classification: Choose to classify the user as Admin, Staff, or Board
- Fill out Meetings fields
- Has Access to: Select if the user has access to Meetings, Meetings Site Settings, and/or Board Portal
- Meetings Security Profile: You must select a security ID if the user has access to meetings
- Access to Meeting Types: Give the user access to All Meeting Types or Select Meeting Type(s)
- Access to Agenda Items: Choose to give the user access to All Items, My Items Only, My Department(s) Items Only, or Specific Departments
- Fill out Events fields
- Has Access to: Select if the user has access to Events and/or Events Site Settings
- Access to Create/Edit Events With Selected Templates: Choose if the user has access to All Event Templates or Selected Event Template(s)
- Fill out Boards & Committees fields
- Has Access to Boards & Committees: Check to give the user access to boards and committees
- Select Save Changes to save and add the new user
- Current Access will appear under the user's profile
Let us know what was helpful or not helpful about the article.2 comments
I think something that would make this article (and frankly all of them) even more helpful are descriptions of how some of the options (i.e. Admin, Staff, Board) actually interact with the system and what they allow the User to actually do in the system.
Thank you for this very helpful feedback, Stephen! We will work on clarifying and being more specific with our descriptions going forward.
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