Bulk Actions can be used to avoid repetitive clicking when editing multiple items or sections, with options to multi-select or select all choices. This article will show you how to use Bulk Actions on an agenda.
- Sign in to the system if you have not already
- Navigate to the Meetings module
- Select the agenda you wish to edit
- Click the Select button
- Click the Select All button to select all items and sections, or check individual checkboxes to select multiple single items and sections
- Click an Action button to act on the selected items
- Copy: Copy all selected items and sections to another agenda
- Move: Move all selected items and sections to another agenda
- Note: Add notes to all selected items and sections
- Script: Add a script to multiple items and sections
- Layout: Edit the layouts of multiple items and sections
- Delete: Delete multiple items and sections
- Use the Prev (Previous) and Next arrows to move between and edit selected items
Note: This function only appears in Note, Script, and Layout functions. - Repeat Steps 3 through 7 as necessary
- When your actions are complete, click the Back to Agenda button to exit the Bulk Edit view and return to your agenda
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