After you Configure Resolution and Ordinance Numbering, this article will show you how to use and assign this numbering type. This functionality allows you to:
- Configure the numbering format of both resolutions and ordinances
- Restart numbering by fiscal or calendar year, or never restart numbering
- Configure resolutions and ordinances by meeting type to show the option of resolutions only, ordinances only, or to give the option to choose one or the other at the item level, within that meeting type
- Allow for a resolution or ordinance number to be reused if the item did not pass
Important Note
If you want to generate a Staff Report or Memorandum with your Agenda Item and want resolution and ordinance numbers included in those items, contact Support.
- Sign in to the system if you have not already
- Navigate to the Meetings module
- Select the agenda that you wish to use resolution or ordinance numbering on
- Navigate to the Create menu and select the Item option to create a new agenda item, or click an existing item
- Ensure you are viewing the Item Fields pageNote: If you are not viewing the Item Fields page, you will need to navigate to the View menu and select the Item Fields option from the dropdown list.
- In the Information section, click the Select Resolution button to apply a resolution number or the Select Ordinance button to apply an ordinance number
- Click the Select button next to the desired Resolution or Ordinance number
- Click the Save Item button
- The Resolution or Ordinance number will be applied automatically
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