This article will show you how to navigate an agenda in the Agenda and Meeting Management Select (formerly CivicClerk) Board Portal.
- Sign in to the Board Portal if you have not already
- Ensure that the Agendas tab is selected
- Select the agenda you wish to navigate
- Scroll through agenda sections and items on the agenda details page to view the meeting's order of business
- Select the three-dot menu icon to the left of a section or item name
- Click the Review, Attachments, Notes, or Speakers buttons to visit the details page of the selected section or item, or use the data below an option name to see data at a glance
- X: Click the red X icon to close the options menu
- Review: Click to be redirected to the section or item details page
- Attachments: The number of attachments for the section or item will appear in parentheses below the paperclip icon
- Notes: The number of notes created for the section or item will appear in parentheses below the agenda icon
Speakers: The number of speakers for the section or item will appear in parentheses below the people icon
Notes:- Regardless of whether you click Review, Attachments, Notes, or Speakers, you will be taken to the same page.
- You can click the name of an item to be taken directly to its item details page.
- Navigate through the details page fields
- Agenda Name, Agenda Section, Item Name: Displays the agenda name, agenda section, and item name (if applicable) for the current section or item
- Star icon: Select the gray star icon (which will turn yellow) in the top-right corner of the page to favorite or highlight the current section or item
- Created By: Displays the user who created the section or item in the Agenda and Meeting Management Select system
- Department: Displays the department responsible for the section or item
- Sponsors: Displays any sponsors for the section or item
- Recommended Action: Displays any recommended actions for the section or item
- Attachments: Displays any available attachments; click the name of an attachment to view it as a PDF that can be searched, annotated, downloaded, or printed
- Speakers: Displays the name, role, and time limit of speakers for the section or item
- Notes (Private): Add notes about this section or item
- Previous Item: Redirects you to the details page of the section or item that appears before the current one in the agenda's order or business
- Next Item: Redirects you to the details page of the section or item that appears after the current one in the agenda's order or business
- Click the Agenda Details button to return to the full agenda
- Click the Agenda or Packet icons to view the agenda or agenda packet documents as PDF files (if applicable)
- Select an option in the top toolbar to interact with the agenda or agenda packet document
- View: Open the standard set of viewing tools, including thumbnails and the magnifier tool (pictured)
- Search: Open a search tool that allows you to complete an advanced search of the document text
- Annotate: Open a set of annotation tools that can be used to take notes directly on the agenda or agenda packet PDF
- First Page (pipe and left-arrow icon): Return to the first page of the document
- Previous Page (left arrow icon): Return to the page before the current one
- Current Page: This window shows the page number of the page you are currently viewing
- Next Page (right arrow icon): Advance to the page that follows the current one
- Last Page (right arrow and pipe icon): Advance to the last page of the document
- Thumbnails (four squares icon): View all pages of the document as thumbnails in a sidebar to the left of the document viewing area
- Magnifier Tool (magnifying glass icon): Magnify the size of text that you hover over
- Rectangle Zoom (dotted square and plus-sign icon): Select a rectangular area to zoom in on
- Rotate Document (curved left arrow icon): Rotate the entire document 90 degrees
- Rotate Page (curved left arrow in a square icon): Rotate the current page 90 degrees
- Print (printer icon): Open a print dialog box that can be used to print one or more pages of the document according to your preferences
- Download (down arrow icon): Download a copy of the document to your computer or device
- Save and Exit (floppy disc icon): Save your changes and return to the agenda details page
- Exit (x icon): Return to the agenda details page
- Use the tools at the bottom of the PDF viewer to enhance your viewing experience
- Select Text (I-cursor icon): Highlight text
- Pan Tool (hand icon): Move content in the viewing window right, left, up, or down
- Zoom Out (minus-sign icon): Make content in the viewing window smaller
- Zoom Percentage: View the current percentage that the screen is zoomed in or out
- Zoom In (plus-sign icon): Make content in the viewing window bigger
- Fit Content (square with left and right-arrows icon): Expand the document window to fit the entire width of the document on your screen
- Full Screen (four diagonal-arrows icon): Expand the document window to fit your entire screen
- Select an option in the top toolbar to interact with the agenda or agenda packet document
- Click the gray Save and Exit (floppy disc icon) or Exit (x icon) buttons in the top-right corner of the screen below the page section to leave the PDF viewer and return to the agenda details page
- Click the Agendas button to return to the Board Portal home page
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