This article will show you how to initiate a Vote during a meeting.
Important Note
- A motion can exist without having vote results recorded, but a motion is required to save a vote.
- Navigate to the Meetings module
- Select the Agenda associated with your meeting
- Select Go to Minutes
- Click View and select Minutes Summary from the drop-down list
- Note: The default view is Minutes Settings.
- Select the desired Item
- Click Motion next to an existing motion to set up a vote, or click +Motion to Add a New Motion for the agenda item
- Scroll down and select Start Vote to initiate the vote
- Select a Vote Status for each voting member
- Note: Meeting members can also indicate their votes in the Board Portal. Your Clerk View will update with their vote status.
- Voting Statuses
- Yes: Wants to pass the vote
- No: Does not want to pass the vote
- Abstain: Does not want to vote
- Additional Options:
- Cancel Vote: Cancel vote (with the option to restart)
- Mark All As Yes: Mark all meeting members as indicating Yes
- Reset Vote: Reset all members' votes to take a recount
- Once all votes have been tallied, select Passed or Failed in the Save as: field to save the voting results
- Note: The vote count to the left of the Save As: field will automatically update as votes are marked
- If Auto-Save is on, results will save automatically. If not, select a Save option.
- Save Changes: Save recent changes and continue editing the current item
- Save and Next Item: Save recent changes to the current item and begin editing the next agenda item
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