The Agenda and Meeting Management Select and Web Central Integrated Search integration allows customers with both solutions to perform an integrated search query within Web Central and return search query results from Agenda and Meeting Management Select.
Important Notes
- This integration is available to customers with both Agenda and Meeting Management Select and Web Central at no cost.
- You must contact Support to configure and enable this integration before you can use it.
Integrated Search Functionality
With the Agenda and Meeting Management Select and Web Central Search Integration enabled, an Agendas and Minutes tab will appear under your website's Search Control. When a user clicks the Agenda and Meetings tab, they will be able to narrow their search down to Items, Agendas, Attachments, and Agenda Files.
Clicking any of the search results under the Agendas and Minutes tab will open that selection within your Agenda and Meeting Management Select Public Portal.
For more information about this integration and instructions on how to use it, see the Web Central and Agenda and Meeting Management Select Integrated Search Overview and Web Central and Agenda and Meeting Management Select Integrated Search articles in our Web Central Help Center.
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